Our Ceremonies
S.A.P.P.H.I.R.E. is a legally recognized religious organization
All donations and currency spent on religious activities should be tax deductible. Please keep your receipts for all of your exemption
We would like to inform that all of our ceremonies and church events will be listed by suggested donation price. All religious donations are considered tax deductible.

GrandMother Ceremonies
At S.A.P.P.H.I.R.E. Church, we believe in the healing power of plant-based medicines and their ability to connect us with the divine. Our Plant-Based Medicine Ministry offers guidance and support for those seeking to integrate plant-based medicines into their shadow work spiritual practices.
Contact us at Bene@SAPPHIRECeremony.com

Grandfather Ceremonies
At S.A.P.P.H.I.R.E. Church, we believe in the healing power of plant-based medicines and their ability to connect us with the divine. Our Grandfather ceremony helps those seeking to integrate plant-based medicines into their Heart opening work spiritual practices.
Contact us at Bene@SAPPHIRECeremony.com

Detoxifying Ceremonies
S.A.P.P.H.I.R.E. recognizes the sacredness and interconnectedness of all living beings. Through the use of ceremonial animals, plant medicines and ancestral techniques we deepen our connection to nature and all its inhabitants. this connection allows us to expel toxins and impurities that have built up over time.
Contact us at Bene@SAPPHIRECeremony.com

Ancestral Ceremonies
Our ancestral ceremonies honors the wisdom and traditions of our ancestors. Through the practice of ancestral rituals using sacred plants; bones; and feathers, we connect with our roots and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.
Contact us at Bene@SAPPHIRECeremony.com

Dietas and Spritual Ceremonies
SAPPHIRE understands that there is no wholeness without the body, mind and spirit being in harmony. Some of the Shamans, Healers and other beings associated with S.A.P.P.H.I.R.E. will host a specialized dieta or ceremony. We strongly encourage everyone to follow the healers recommended dieta for their ceremony.
Contact us at Bene@SAPPHIRECeremony.com